The repetition rate of synchrotron pulses is usually few nanoseconds. The 3DL 12C LS2500 A2 detector is optimised for monitoring of such pulses. Figure 1,2 and 3 shows measurement results with 2DL 12C LS2500 A2 detector at Synchrotron BESSY in Berlin. Although the “ringing” effect of this detector was rather strong, the synchrotron research team could quite well resolve separate pulses from a macro bunch.
The 3DL 12C LS2500 A2 version has less “ringing” effect and separate pulses can even better be resolved. Figure 4 and 5 shows measurement results at synchrotron SOLEIL in France. Unfortunately, the time resolution on these pictures is not very well resolved, but the working staff there is very satisfied with performance of this detector.
3DL 12C LS2500 A2 detector is incorporated in a similar housing and version as the …A1.