*180Gbps in wireless communication at 0.3THz!*
This breakthrough was made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts of our team at ACST GmbH, alongside our partners at UCL and UDE.
Our PhD student Javier Martinez Gil has contributed on the development of low-barrier mixers at 0.3 THz, which require 10 times less LO power compared to traditional GaAs state-of-the-art mixers, paving the way for more effective applications in high-frequency domains. For those interested in a deeper dive into the technical details, check out the full explanation in our paper: “Efficiency Assessment of Traditional GaAs and Low-Power InGaAs Schottky Diodes in Full-Band Mixers at 0.3 THz”.
Check out the LinkedIn post for more information https://www.linkedin.com/posts/i%C3%B1igo-bel%C3%ADo-apaolaza-32970b1b7_im-excited-to-share-our-work-180-gbps-multi-channel-activity-7193900594716172289-V_vA/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios